Our work - Proven solutions for real-world problems.

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients.

Case studies



Safe Deposit Boxes

We worked with Asservato to develop a new product that allows customers to rent safe deposit boxes without a bank.

The backend was developed in TypeScript, making use of Google Cloud Platform services such as Firebase and Cloud Functions.



Energy Consumption Monitor

E.ON Smart Control allows customers to monitor their energy consumption in real time, using the optical interface of their smart meters.


Backend, IoT, Cloud Architecture

Smart Home

An IoT project that allowed E.ON customers to monitor their energy usage and manage their devices remotely.

A smart gateway with Zigbee and BLE support, with an array of smart devices (e.g. thermostats, lights, smart power outlets) connected to it.

Outstanding and very in-depth expertise, even in peripheral areas, which was always brought in a highly valuable manner to our company.


You're in good company

  • Asservato
  • EON
  • BMW
  • Bayernwerk

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Our offices

  • Dubai
    Building 16, DIC
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates